

Saturday 7 April 2012

DITZYS Challenge no 6

This time it was Nikki turn to choose the theme so she went with ANYTHING BUT A CARD!

 So I maked a lovely Easter bag to whole lots of goodies!!!

So the the bag card is print from a  new free digi kit from Daisytrail on CAP. I also used two free images from sliekje the little Easter boy & Bunny girl. Coloured them in promarkers then added extra embellishments from my CAP digi.

I hope you like it & will join us this time

So the prizes for this challenge are 20 charms from our very own Judie

& you will be ask to be a Guest Dt for the month.


  1. Hi Tracey. Love this beautiful bag. Gorgeous paper, and the images are just too cute.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Love Sandra xxx

  2. Lovely gift bag, cute little images. xx

  3. Tracy the two bags are so precious and I love the two images, one for a boy and one for a girl! So nicely done!


Thanks for looking today ....